
UV Facade

We are continuously innovating with new finishings and new processes to solve specific problems and achieve customer satisfaction. Innovation allows us to address customer concerns about texture, brightness, friction, colour and the visual impact.

In the “Garcogel” project, we use natural stone as a colour differentiator using two types of finishing. The polished one in order to create a smoother surface, with more natural shades and the sanded one generating small craters that highlight the colour of the stone making it lighter.

The NGP is a greyish coloured limestone with medium hardness, medium grain with some darker areas and on the surface it may contain small fossils.

The concept inherent to this project is the similarity and proximity where each element that resembles each other seems to group together. And proximity where the closest elements tend to be seen as a whole, rather than as individual parts. Whole project is designed to create an optical effect depending on where it is observed.


UV Facade


Diogo Malanho
