Pavimento Pedra Natural
Chão em Pedra Natural
Chão em Pedra Natural
Pavimentos Rústico

Are you looking for stone flooring for
exteriors or interiors?

 Natural Stone flooring

Walking on natural stone has always had a special charm because Nature has endowed this material with a very particular kind of beauty. Natstone is a company specialized in the transformation of natural stone for more than 66 years. We have a wide range of solutions for flooring that are easily installed. All products can be adhered and shipped all over the world.

Environment friendly floor

A material that respects the environment and that is visually pleasant, whether in it’s polished or irregular solutions. Stone is easy to maintain and as great durability.

Stone Pavements for Interiors

We provide the most diverse types of natural stone interiors flooring, working with private customers as well as companies or public entities.

The irregular natural surface, together with it’s slight colour variations, give this product a high quality finish when applied. The patios, balconies and courtyards atmosphere is greatly enhanced by natural stone flooring.

Opus Romano in Natural Stone

The natural stone MFT and NMC in an Opus Romano format enhances any space, providing fluidity to sophisticated spaces! A brushed finish gives it a distinctive appearance, from lighter to darker colours, highlighting the natural stone veins and providing different types of texture with a soft touch.

Resistant to all types of weather, they are recommended for cold places, as they are not affected by frost. A well cared stone floor can last for life.

Outdoor Stone Floors

Outdoor pavement particularly suitable for urban use, gardens, driveways and terraces.

Tactile Pavement

Pavement developed at Natstone to facilitate the mobility of all pedestrians. Physical and visual alerts for urban spaces and walking paths, provides this tactile pavement with unequivocal sensorial information to blind and visually or cognitively impaired people.

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